Phil Collins suffering health issues & no longer able to play drums

Rohit Pujari

One of the greatest legends in the history of rock and pop music Phil Collins was diagnosed with numerous health issues. Collins has soared high on his capability of playing drums and his voice breaks the music chord. However, he has been suffering from poor health which has seen him put to retirement performing live. Regarding the details of Phil Collins’ sicknesses, their onset, their influence on the musician’s activity, and his fight, this article goes deep. We will explore about Phil Collins suffering health issues & no longer able to play drums and his current situation. 

Early Career and Rise to Fame

Phil Collins became part of Genesis as a drummer in 1970 and after P Gabriel left the band in 1975, Collins was chosen to become a singer. The band was able to attain great success and the group is among the most selling bands of all time. Collins also had his fair share of success as a solo artist; famous for songs such as “In the Air Tonight”. 

The Emergence of some of the Issues in Health Concerns 

Health issues first started creeping into Collins’ life in 2007 during the Genesis reunion tour. Collins was once drumming with the band’s session drummer Chester Thompson one day, he suddenly experienced some problem in his neck. This was the first encounter in what would prove to be a long and bitter process. 

2009 September saw him undergo his first surgery to have his dislocated vertebra in his neck fixed. For this surgery, meant to treat his pain, he was left with nerve damage and thus, less mobility than before. Nevertheless, he was still trying to carry on with either singing or playing the drums; it became very difficult for him to drum. 

Impact on His Career 

The nerve damage that Collins suffered as a result of his surgery did not augur well with his playing career. He no longer could play drum rolls with drumsticks as his hand was in severe pain when so used. This has led to his decision to quit the drum set altogether. Some interviews showed Collins fastening the drumsticks on his hands so as to be able to play through the band’s performances. 

Transition to Singing 

Collins however, could not play the drums but he remained singing. His voice persisted to be good, and so he was able to continue but not as an opera singer. He delegated the position of a drummer to his son, Nicholas, during the ‘Not Dead Yet’ tour and Genesis’ last tour called ‘The Last Domino?’ 

Further Health Complications 

For years, Collins’ health worsened and there are some indications that showed this. He was operated for the second time in the same year for the pain in his back that was persistent in nature. This surgery led to the so-called “drop foot” which, due to the damage to nerves, patients have problems lifting the front portion of the foot. He had to start depending on a cane when having to make his way around. 

Diabetes Diagnosis 

Collins also was diagnosed with raised blood sugar levels and was put on a type 2 diabetes treatment regimen. The diagnosis was given to him after he had an infection on the foot that led to the formation of abscess making him to have another complication concerning his health. 

Final Performances and Retirement 

Illness never stopped Collins from performing up to the time he stopped performing in March, 2022. In my view, his last show was held with the Genesis group at O2 Arena in London. By this time, Collins was on a chair singing and even used a walking stick during his singing sessions. The lock down caused by the COVID -19 cases halted the tour early but Collins persisted to continue the tour to the excitement of the fans. 

Reflections on His Career 

During the interviews with the media, Collins had a fatalistic air as far as his health was concerned. He admitted that thanks to the disease, he altered his manner of performing, yet still appreciated his fans’ loyalty, and various chances that he got during his performance career. 

The Role of Family 

Again, throughout his health complications period Collins has been receiving support from family members. His son Nicholas did not only replace his father as a drummer but also supported him in moments of troubles. Collins only showed pride in his son and his skills as well as how lucky he was that he was sharing the stage with him. 

Nicholas Collins: Taking His Father’s Place 

It may also interest our audience to know that Nicholas Collins also started playing the drums at a tender age and like any good musician he was influenced by his father. He is documented to have performed for his father’s solo tours and for the final tour that was conducted by the group, Genesis, and he was rated high on talent and hard work. Thus, Nicholas’ participation enabled Phil to perform with the group even when he could not play the drums anymore. 

Phil Collins was an important specialist

It is very important to highlight that Phil Collins gave so much to music. The eighties probably belongs to him as he transformed himself from being a member of Genesis into a solo artist. Collins, though being a sick man, performs music that helps fans across the world. 

Awards and Recognitions 

Currently, Collins has many awards that he received during his career such as many Grammy Awards, Oscar, and Golden Globe. He affected the rock and the pop music genres, and to this day, he still has his hits. 

Life After Retirement 

Collins on the other hand has moved away from performing live after turning into a bit of a recluse or preserving his health as well as attending to his family. He has also continued to be active in music through other projects and thus keeps practicing music. 

Hopes for Recovery 

Apparently, despite all the troubles, Collins is ready to start putting the pieces back together of what is left of his career. He sustains his health with treatments and cooperation with his family and healthcare providers to the present. 


Phil Collins suffering health issues & no longer able to play drums is a tale of grit and determination to love music. However, Collins’ seat as a musician has been greatly rewarded with so many accomplishments regardless of the great challenges that came his way. Many look up to him for the impact he has on the world of music and for the great determination he has in learning how to deal with it. All we can do as fans of his music is wish for his health to improve and savor the brilliant music he has provided to the world.

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